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Galectin 3 ELISA Kit

LGALS3 Reactivity: Human Colorimetric Sandwich ELISA Cell Culture Supernatant, Plasma, Serum
Catalog No. ABIN955782
  • Target See all Galectin 3 (LGALS3) ELISA Kits
    Galectin 3 (LGALS3)
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    Detection Method
    Method Type
    Sandwich ELISA
    Sample Type
    Cell Culture Supernatant, Plasma, Serum
    Analytical Method
    The interference of circulating factors of the immune system was evaluated by spiking these proteins at physiologically relevant concentrations into a Galectin-3 positive serum. There was no detectable cross reactivity.
    The limit of detection of human Galectin-3 is defined as the analyte concentration resulting in an absorption reading significantly higher than that of the dilution medium (mean plus two standard deviations) was determined to be 0.12 ng/mL (mean of 6 independent assays).
    An anti-human Galectin-3 monoclonal coating antibody is adsorbed onto microwells. Human Galectin-3 present in the sample or calibrator binds to antibodies adsorbed to the microwells, a biotin-conjugated anti-human Galectin-3 antibody is added and binds to human Galectin-3 captured by the first antibody. Following incubation, unbound biotin-conjugated anti-human Galectin-3 is removed during a wash step. Streptavidin-HRP is added and binds to the biotin-conjugated anti-human Galectin-3 antibody. Following incubation, unbound streptavidin-HRP is removed during a wash step, and substrate solution reactive with HRP is added to the wells.
    1 aluminum pouch with a Microwell Plate coated with Monoclonal Antibody (mouse) to human Galectin-3
    1 vial (100 µL) Biotin-Conjugate anti-human Galectin-3 polyclonal antibody (rabbit)
    1 vial (150 µL) Streptavidin-HRP Concentrate
    2 vials human Galectin-3 Calibrator, lyophilized, 50 ng/mL upon reconstitution
    1 vial (5 mL) Assay Buffer Concentrate 20X (Phosphate-Buffered Saline with 1% Tween 20 and protein stabilizer)
    1 bottle (50 mL) Wash Buffer Concentrate 20X (Phosphate-Buffered Saline with 1% Tween 20)
    1 bottle (12 mL) Sample Diluent
    1 vial (15 mL) Substrate Solution (tetramethyl-benzidine)
    1 vial (12 mL) Stop Solution (1M Phosphoric acid)
    1 vial (0.4 mL) Blue Dye
    1 vial (0.4 mL) Red Dye
    1 vial (0.4 mL) Green Dye
    4 adhesive Plate Seals.
    Material not included
    5 mL and 10 mL graduated pipettes
    5 µL to 1,000 µL adjustable single channel micropipettes with disposable tips.
    50 µL to 300 µL adjustable multi-channel micropipette with disposable tips.
    Multi-channel micropipette reservoir.
    Beakers, flasks,
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  • Plate
    Reagent Preparation

    Buffer Concentrates should be brought to room temperature and should be diluted before starting the test procedure. If crystals have formed in the Buffer Concentrates, warm them gently until they have completely dissolved.

    a. Wash Buffer: Pour the entire contents (50 mL) of the Wash Buffer Concentrate into a clean 1,000 mL graduated cylinder. Bring the final volume to 1,000 mL with glass-distilled or de-ionized water. Mix gently to avoid foaming. The pH of the final solution should adjust to 7.4. Transfer to a clean wash bottle and store at 2°to 25°C. Please note that the Wash Buffer is stable for 30 days.

    b. Assay Buffer: Mix the contents of the bottle well. Add the contents of the Assay Buffer Concentrate (5.0 mL) to 95 mL distilled or de- ionized water and mix gently to avoid foaming. Store at 4°C. Please note that the Assay Buffer is stable for 30 days.

    c. Preparation of Biotin-Conjugate: Please note that the Biotin-Conjugate should be used within 30 minutes after dilution. The Biotin-Conjugate must be diluted 1:100 with Assay Buffer just prior to use in a clean plastic test tube

    d. Preparation of human Galectin-3 Calibrator: Reconstitute the human Galectin-3 Calibrator by addition of the volume of distilled water as stated on vial label. Mix or swirl gently to insure complete and homogeneous solubilization. (Concentration of reconstituted calibrator = 50 ng/mL)
    e. Preparation of Streptavidin-HRP: Please note that the Streptavidin-HRP should be used within 30 minutes after dilution. Make a 1:400 dilution of the Streptavidin-HRP Concentrate with Assay Buffer in a clean plastic tube as needed.

    f. Addition of Color Dyes (optional step): In order to help our customers to avoid any mistakes in pipetting, now offers a new tool that helps to monitor the addition of even very small volumes of a solution to the reaction well by giving distinctive colors to each step of the ELISA procedure. This procedure is optional, does not in any way interfere with the test results, and is designed to help the customer with the performance of the test, but can also be omitted.

    Sample Preparation

    Cell culture supernatants, human serum, plasma (EDTA) or other biological samples will be suitable for use in the assay. Remove the serum or plasma from the clot or red cells, respectively, as soon as possible after clotting and separation. Samples containing a visible precipitate must be clarified prior to use in the assay. Do not use grossly hemolyzed or lipemic specimens. Samples should be aliquoted and must be stored frozen at -20°C to avoid loss of bioactive Galectin-3. Addition of protease inhibitors may account for better stability of samples. If samples are to be run within 24 hours, they may be stored at 4°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Prior to assay, the frozen sample should be brought to room temperature slowly and mixed gently. Pay attention to a possible Hook Effect due to high sample concentrations.

    Calculation of Results

    Calculate the average absorbance values for each set of duplicate calibrators and samples. Duplicates should be within 20% of the mean.
    Create a calibration curve by plotting the mean absorbance for each calibrator concentration on the ordinate against the human Galectin-3 concentration on the abscissa. Draw a best-fit curve through the points of the graph (a 5- parameter curve fit is recommended).
    To determine the concentration of circulating human Galectin-3 for each sample, first find the mean absorbance value on the ordinate and extend a horizontal line to the calibration curve. At the point of intersection, extend a vertical line to the abscissa and read the corresponding human Galectin-3 concentration.
    For samples which have been diluted according to the instructions given in this manual (1:2) the concentration read from the calibration curve must be multiplied by the dilution factor (x2). Note: Calculation of samples with a concentration exceeding calibrator 1 may result in incorrect, low human Galectin-3 levels (Hook Effect). Such samples require further external predilution according to expected Galectin-3 values with Sample Diluent in order to precisely quantitate the actual human Galectin-3 level.
    It is suggested that each testing facility establishes a control sample of known human Galectin-3 concentration and runs this additional control with each assay. If the values obtained are not within the expected range of this control, the assay results may be invalid.

    For Research Use only
  • Handling Advice
    Since exact conditions may vary from assay to assay, a calibration curve must be established for every run.
    Bacterial or fungal contamination of either samples or reagents or cross-contamination between reagents may cause erroneous results.
    4 °C
    Storage Comment
    Store kit reagents at 4°C. Immediately after use remaining reagents should be returned to cold storage (4°C). Expiration date of the kit and reagents is stated on labels. The expiration date of the kit components can only be guaranteed if the components are stored properly, and if, in case of repeated use of one component, the reagent is not contaminated by the first handling.
    Expiry Date
    The expiry date is stated on the label.
  • Target See all Galectin 3 (LGALS3) ELISA Kits
    Galectin 3 (LGALS3)
    Alternative Name
    Galectin-3 (LGALS3 Products)
    CBP 35 ELISA Kit, Gal-3 ELISA Kit, Galectin-3 ELISA Kit, leg3 ELISA Kit, galactoside-binding ELISA Kit, galectin-3 ELISA Kit, lectin ELISA Kit, soluble ELISA Kit, CBP35 ELISA Kit, GAL3 ELISA Kit, GALBP ELISA Kit, GALIG ELISA Kit, L31 ELISA Kit, LGALS2 ELISA Kit, MAC2 ELISA Kit, MGC52947 ELISA Kit, MGC75803 ELISA Kit, LGALS3 ELISA Kit, gal-3 ELISA Kit, GBP ELISA Kit, L-34 ELISA Kit, Mac-2 ELISA Kit, gal3 ELISA Kit, galectin 3 ELISA Kit, Galectin-3 ELISA Kit, avian beta-defensin 3 ELISA Kit, lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 L homeolog ELISA Kit, lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 ELISA Kit, galectin 2 ELISA Kit, lectin, galactose binding, soluble 3 ELISA Kit, LGALS3 ELISA Kit, leg3 ELISA Kit, AvBD3 ELISA Kit, lgals3.L ELISA Kit, lgals3 ELISA Kit, LGALS2 ELISA Kit, Lgals3 ELISA Kit
    Target Type
    Galectin-3 is a 26 kDa -galactoside-binding protein belonging to the Galectin family, which consists of more than ten members. Galectin-3 is composed of a carboxyl-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) and amino-terminal tandem repeats. Galectin-3 normally distributes in epithelia of many organs and various inflammatory cells, including macrophages as well as dendritic cells and Kupfer cells. The expression of this lectin is up-regulated during inflammation, cell proliferation and cell differentiation and through transactivation by viral proteins. Its expression is also affected by neoplastic transformation: up-regulation is found in certain types of lymphomas, and thyroid carcinoma, while it is down regulated in other types of malignancies such as colon, breast, ovarian and uterine carcinomas. The expression of Galectin-3 has a strong correlation with the grade and malignant potential of primary brain tumors. Increased Galectin-3 levels have also been noted in human atherosclerotic lesions. These findings suggest that Galectin-3 expression is affected during these physiological and pathological responses. Galectin-3 has been shown to function through both intracellular and extracellular actions. It is a component of heterogeneous nuclear ribonuclear protein (hnRNP), a factor in pre-mRNA splicing and has been found to control cell cycle and prevent T-cell apoptosis through interaction with the Bcl-2 family members. On the other hand, this protein, which is secreted from monocytes/macrophages and epithelial cells has been demonstrated to function as an extracellular molecule in activating various types of cells such as monocytes/ macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils and lymphocytes. Galectin-3 has been shown to mediate cell-cell and cell- extracellular matrix interactions and acts as a novel chemoattractant for monocytes and macrophages.
    RTK Signaling
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