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Isotype & Other Controls

Particularly in procedures using antibodies it’s very important to prevent any non-specific binding of primary and secondary antibodies by using non-specific isotype controls. At antibodies-online you can obtain more than 3,500 validated isotype controls for all common isotypes. Directly conjugated isotype controls with biotin, AP, Alexa and many other conjugates are available.

Browse our products, and narrow down your selection further according to antigen, application, reactivity type and clonality. You can get expert advice on the right product from our customer service team, via chat, e-mail or telephone.

2,488 results :

FACS, WB, IF (cc), IF (p) Polyclonal IgG Cy3
Pubmed 1 reference
Catalog No. ABIN1880994
FACS, WB, IF (cc), IF (p) Polyclonal IgG Cy3
Pubmed 1 reference
Catalog No. ABIN1881013
FACS, WB, IF (cc), IF (p) Polyclonal IgG AbBy Fluor® 488
Pubmed 5 references
Catalog No. ABIN1880989
FACS, WB, IF (cc), IF (p) Polyclonal IgG AbBy Fluor® 647
Pubmed 1 reference
Catalog No. ABIN1880987
FACS, WB, IF (cc), IF (p) Polyclonal IgG FITC
Pubmed 3 references
Catalog No. ABIN1881002
FACS, WB Polyclonal IgG PE
Pubmed 5 references
Catalog No. ABIN1880997
ELISA, WB, IHC (fro), IHC (p) Polyclonal IgG Biotin
Pubmed 1 reference
Catalog No. ABIN1881004
IsoC, BR IgG unconjugated
Pubmed 4 references
Catalog No. ABIN398654
ELISA, FACS Polyclonal IgG Biotin
Catalog No. ABIN375896
Catalog No. ABIN376081
  • Type Isotype Control
    • Isotype Control
  • Target
    • IgG
    • IgG1
    • IgG2a
    • IgG2b
    • IgM
    • IgG1, kappa
    • IgG2a, kappa
    • IgG2b,kappa
    • IgA
    • IgG3
    • IgM kappa
    • IgY
    • Ig Fraction
    • IgG2a lambda
    • IgG2c
    • IgG3, kappa
    • Ig
    • IgG kappa
    • IgG2
    • IgE
    • IgA1
    • IgG2a,IgG2b
    • IgG4
    • Igk
    • IgA, IgG, IgM
    • IgA2
    • IgG lambda
    • IgG1 lambda
    • IgG1,IgG2a
  • Application
    • Flow Cytometry (FACS)
    • Isotype Control (IsoC)
    • ELISA
    • Western Blotting (WB)
    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    • Immunofluorescence (IF)
    • Immunoprecipitation (IP)
    • Immunomicroscopy (IM)
    • Immunocytochemistry (ICC)
    • Immunofluorescence (Cultured Cells) (IF (cc))
    • Immunofluorescence (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IF (p))
    • Immunohistochemistry (Frozen Sections) (IHC (fro))
    • Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IHC (p))
    • FLISA
    • Fluorescence Microscopy (FM)
    • Negative Control (NC)
    • Immunoelectrophoresis (IEP)
    • Labeling (Lbl)
    • Dot Blot (DB)
    • Blocking Reagent (BR)
    • Immunodiffusion (ID)
    • Immunoassay (IA)
    • Binding Studies (Bind)
    • Haemagglutination (H)
    • Standard (STD)
    • Immunofluorescence (fixed cells) (IF/ICC)
    • SDS-PAGE (SDS)
    • In vitro Assay (in vitro)
    • In vivo Studies (in vivo)
    • Functional Studies (Func)
    • Immunohistochemistry (Formalin-fixed Sections) (IHC (f))
    • Cellular Assay (CA)
    • Immunochromatography (IC)
    • Microarray (MA)
    • Control (Ct)
    • Lateral Flow (LF)
    • Staining Methods (StM)
    • Control Peptide (CP)
    • Detection (D)
    • Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
    • Gel Shift (GS)
    • Immunohistochemistry (Resin Sections) (IHC (rs))
    • Multiplex Assay (MA)
    • Neutralization (Neut)
    • Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
    • DNA Microscopy (DNA Mic)
  • Reactivity
    • Mouse
    • Rat
    • Llama
    • Human
    • Various Species
    • Rabbit
  • Cited in publications
  • Images available
  • Preservative free only
  • Carrier free only
  • Host
    • Mouse
    • Rat
    • Human
    • Rabbit
    • Goat
    • Sheep
    • Cow
    • Hamster
    • Horse
    • Chicken
    • Armenian Hamster
    • Dog
    • Guinea Pig
    • Llama
    • Cat (Feline)
    • Pig
    • Donkey
    • HEK-293 Cells
    • Golden Syrian Hamster
    • Monkey
    • Turkey
    • Chicken egg
    • Rhesus Monkey
    • CHO Cells
    • Duck
    • Cynomolgus
    • Quail
  • Clonality
    • Monoclonal
    • Polyclonal
    • Chimeric
  • Clone
    • MOPC-21
    • MPC-11
    • 2A3
    • LTF-2
    • HRPN
    • 15H6
    • C1-18-4
    • PIP
    • HOPC-1
    • MOPC-31C
    • A-1
    • B10
    • MM-30
    • S107
    • RPC5-4
    • 11E10
    • B39-4
    • MOPC-173
    • KLH-G2b-1-2
    • KLH-G2a-1-1
    • A112-3
    • KLH-G1-2-2
    • CBK109
    • G2b-1-2
    • NCRBM-1520R
    • G1-2-2
    • G2a-1-1
    • RTK2118
    • PPV-07
    • M-2
    • MG1
    • NIP-M-2
    • B-Z1
    • B-Z2
    • M2A
    • M2B
    • MG3
    • SB68b
    • SHG-1
    • 3H1421
    • MCG1
    • MCG2a
    • PFR-03
    • RTG2A1-1
    • 299Arm
    • 3H1378
    • 3H2379
    • 6-3
    • ICIGG1
    • PPV-04
    Please use search to find more...
  • Conjugate
    • Un-conjugated
    • FITC
    • Biotin
    • PE
    • HRP
    • APC
    • PE-Cy7
    • PE-Cy5
    • Rhodamine
    • PerCP
    • PerCP-Cy5.5
    • PE-Cy5.5
    • Texas Red (TR)
    • APC-Cy5.5
    • Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)
    • APC-Cy7
    • SPRD
    • Cy5
    • Alexa Fluor 647
    • Alexa Fluor 488
    • Cy7,PE
    • mFluor™540
    • PE,Texas Red (TR)
    • iFluor™700
    • Atto 488
    • Cy3
    • FITC,PE
    • mFluor™450
    • DyLight 488
    • AbBy Fluor® 350
    • AbBy Fluor® 488
    • AbBy Fluor® 555
    • AbBy Fluor® 594
    • AbBy Fluor® 647
    • AbBy Fluor® 680
    • AbBy Fluor® 750
    • Cy5.5
    • Cy7
    • DyLight 650
    • His tag
    • SureLight® R-PE
    • iFluor™488
    • iFluor™647
    • Agarose Beads
    • Atto 647N
    • CF405M
    • Orange Cytognos 515
    • PE-CF®594
    • PE-DyLight 594
    • TRITC
    • AVI tag,Biotin
  • Isotype
    • IgG
    • IgG1
    • IgG2a
    • IgM
    • IgG2b
    • kappa
    • IgG1 kappa
    • IgG2b kappa
    • IgG2a kappa
    • IgG3
    • IgA
    • Ig Fraction
    • IgY
    • lambda
    • IgG kappa
    • IgG2
    • IgG2c
    • IgE
    • IgG2c kappa
    • IgM kappa
    • IgA1
    • IgG3 kappa
    • IgG2a lambda
    • IgG4
    • IgM lambda
    • IgA2
    • IgG IgA IgM Mix
    • IgG1 lambda
    • IgG1/IgG2a
    • IgG2 kappa
    • IgG4 kappa
  • Protein Type
    • Native
    • Recombinant Antibody
  • Format
    • Liquid
    • Lyophilized
    • Frozen
  • Biological Activity
    • Biologically Active
  • Fragment
    • F(ab')2 fragment
    • Fab fragment
    • Fc fragment
    • Heavy chain Antibody (HcAb)
    • Fc5μ fragment
    • Allotype G2m(n+)
  • Grade
    • GMP Grade
    • MALS verified
  • Supplier
    • antibodies-online
    • USBio
    • Elabscience
    • Covalab
    • Abbexa
    • Agrisera
    • Equitech-Bio
    • ProSci
    • ACROBiosystems
    • RayBiotech
    • Abeomics
    • Biotium
    • NSJ Bioreagents
    • The native Antigen Company
    • Anogen
    • Boster Bio
    • Acris
    • Cloud-Clone
    • Biospes
    • Columbia Biosciences
    • Kamiya Biomedicals
    • Neuromics Antibodies
    • Tulip Biolabs
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