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FTH1 Reactivity: Mouse Colorimetric Sandwich ELISA Plasma, Serum, Urine
Catalog No. ABIN455102
  • Target See all FTH1 ELISA Kits
    FTH1 (Ferritin, Heavy Polypeptide 1 (FTH1))
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    Detection Method
    Method Type
    Sandwich ELISA
    This immunoassay kit allows for the specific measurement of Mouse Ferritin concentrations in urine ,serum and plasma.
    Sample Type
    Urine, Serum, Plasma
    Analytical Method
    This assay recognizes natural Mouse Ferritin.
    Cross-Reactivity (Details)
    No significant cross-reactivity or interference was observed.
    Mus musculus,Mouse,Ferritin heavy chain,Ferritin H subunit,Fth1,Fth,
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  • Sample Volume
    100 μL
    This assay employs the quantitative sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. A monoclonal antibody specific for Ferritin has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any Ferritin present is bound by the immobilized antibody. An enzyme-linked polyclonal antibody specific for Ferritin is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound antibody-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of Ferritin bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.
    For Research Use only
  • Storage
    4 °C/-20 °C
    Storage Comment
    The Standard, Detection Reagent A, Detection Reagent B and the 96-well strip plate should be stored at -20 °C upon being received. The other reagents can be stored at 4 °C.
  • Target See all FTH1 ELISA Kits
    FTH1 (Ferritin, Heavy Polypeptide 1 (FTH1))
    Alternative Name
    Fth1 (FTH1 Products)
    FHC ELISA Kit, FTH ELISA Kit, FTHL6 ELISA Kit, PIG15 ELISA Kit, PLIF ELISA Kit, apoferritin ELISA Kit, ferritin ELISA Kit, fhc ELISA Kit, fth ELISA Kit, fth1 ELISA Kit, fthl6 ELISA Kit, ftn-2 ELISA Kit, pig15 ELISA Kit, plif ELISA Kit, fth1b ELISA Kit, Fth ELISA Kit, HFt ELISA Kit, MFH ELISA Kit, fb06g09 ELISA Kit, hm:zeh1145 ELISA Kit, wu:fb06g09 ELISA Kit, wu:fq18c10 ELISA Kit, zeh1145 ELISA Kit, ferritin heavy chain 1 ELISA Kit, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 L homeolog ELISA Kit, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 S homeolog ELISA Kit, ferritin heavy polypeptide 1 ELISA Kit, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1a ELISA Kit, ferritin ELISA Kit, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 ELISA Kit, tudor domain containing 9 ELISA Kit, ferritin, heavy polypeptide 1 a ELISA Kit, FTH1 ELISA Kit, fth1.L ELISA Kit, fth1.S ELISA Kit, Fth1 ELISA Kit, fth1a ELISA Kit, EAMY_RS19690 ELISA Kit, fth1 ELISA Kit, TDRD9 ELISA Kit
    Ferritin is an iron-protein complex formed from an intracellular acceptor called Apoferritin. Apoferritin is a large molecular weight 450,000 protein produced by the liver. Iron as Fe (HO)3 linked to apoferritin is then stored in the cytoplasm of the reticuloendothelial system, liver, spleen and bone marrow. Ferritin is the body's iron storage protein functioning primarily as a site for iron storage from which iron may be mobilized in response to such stimuli a dietary change, blood loss or pregnancy. The direct quantitation of serum ferritin offers the physician a convenient and accurate measure of total body iron stores, by means of diagnosing iron-deficiency and anemia due to such causes as inflammation and hepatic or renal disease. In addition, serum ferritin concentration may be useful in detecting iron overload, which may allow the detection of idiopathic hemachromatosis in the precirrhotic storage.
    Transition Metal Ion Homeostasis
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