B-ly7 recognizes an integrin containing the aE subunit which dimerizes with the b7 chain, present on hairy leukemia cells, to form the HML-1 (human mucosal lymphocyte) antigen
Antigen distribution: CD103 (B-ly7) is strongly reactive with hairy cell leukemia (HCL), activated monocytes, a subset of activated T and B cells (subtype of B cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia), but not with other B cell leukemias or lymphomas. CD103 is expressed primarily on intra-epithelial lymphocytes and on 1-2% of peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cellular expression: Hairy Cell Leukemia (strong), subset activated T and B cells, activated monocytes. Cellular Expression: Hairy Cell Leukemia, T cells subset