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Leptin ELISA Kit

LEP Reactivity: Chemical Colorimetric Sandwich ELISA 0-100 ng/mL Serum
Catalog No. ABIN997071
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    Detection Method
    Method Type
    Sandwich ELISA
    Detection Range
    0-100 ng/mL
    Minimum Detection Limit
    0 ng/mL
    The DAI Leptin Enzyme Immunoassay Kit provides materials for the quantitative determination of Leptin in serum and plasma.
    Sample Type
    Analytical Method
    0.3 ng/mL
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  • Comment

    Limitations of procedure:
    1. Interfering Substances Any improper handling of samples or modification of this test might influence the results.
    2. Drug Interferences Until today no substances (drugs) are known - us, which have an influence - the measurement of Leptin in a sample.

    Legal Aspects
    1. Reliability of Results The test must be performed exactly as per the manufacturer's instructions for use. Moreover the user must strictly adhere - the rules of GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) or other applicable national standards and/or laws. This is especially relevant for the use of control reagents. It is important - always include, within the test procedure, a sufficient number of controls for validating the accuracy and precision of the test. The test results are valid only if all controls are within the specified ranges and if all other test parameters are also within the given assay specifications. In case of any doubt or concern please contact DAI.
    2. Therapeutical Consequences Therapeutical consequences should never be based on laboratory results alone even if all test results are in agreement with the items as stated under point 10.1. Any laboratory result is only a part of the total clinical picture of a patient. Only in cases where the laboratory results are in acceptable agreement with the overall clinical picture of the patient should therapeutical consequences be derived. The test result itself should never be the sole determinant for deriving any therapeutical consequences.
    3. Liability Any modification of the test kit and/or exchange or mixture of any components of different lots from one test kit - another could negatively affect the intended results and validity of the overall test. Such modification and/or exchanges invalidate any claim for replacement. Claims submitted due - customer misinterpretation of laboratory results subject - point 10.2. are also invalid. Regardless, in the event of any claim, the manufacturer's liability is not - exceed the value of the test kit. Any damage caused - the test kit during transportation is not subject - the liability of the manufacturer.

    Sample Volume
    15 μL
    Assay Time
    1 h
    Assay Procedure

    General Remarks
    1. All reagents and specimens must be allowed to come to room temperature before use. All reagents must be mixed without foaming.
    2. Once the test has been started, all steps should be completed without interruption.
    3. Use new disposal plastic pipette tips for each standard, control or sample in order to avoid cross contamination
    4. Absorbance is a function of the incubation time and temperature. Before starting the assay, it is recommended that all reagents are ready, caps removed, all needed wells secured in holder, etc. This will ensure equal elapsed time for each pipetting step without interruption.
    5. As a general rule the enzymatic reaction is linearly proportional to time and temperature.

    Calculation of Results

    It is strongly recommended that each laboratory should determine its own normal and abnormal values. In a study conducted with apparently normal healthy adults, using the DAI Leptin ELISA the following values are observed: Population ng/mL Males
    3.84 ±
    1.79 Females 7.36 ±

    1.Assay Dynamic Range The range of the assay is between 0 - 100 ng/mL.
    2.Specificity of Antibodies (Cross Reactivity) The following substances were tested for cross reactivity of the assay: Component Cross reactivity Human Leptin 100 % Rat Leptin <0.2 % Mouse Leptin <0.2 % Human Insulin N.D. Human Proinsulin N.D. Rat Insulin N.D. Human C-Peptide N.D. Glucagon N.D. IGF-I N.D. N.D.: Not detectable
    3. Analytical

    For Research Use only
  • Storage
    4 °C
    Expiry Date
    12-14 months
  • Target See all Leptin (LEP) ELISA Kits
    Leptin (LEP)
    Alternative Name
    Leptin (LEP Products)
    ob ELISA Kit, obese ELISA Kit, LEPD ELISA Kit, OB ELISA Kit, OBS ELISA Kit, leptin ELISA Kit, Lep ELISA Kit, LEP ELISA Kit, lep ELISA Kit
    JAK-STAT Signaling, AMPK Signaling, Hormone Transport, Peptide Hormone Metabolism, Hormone Activity, Negative Regulation of Hormone Secretion, Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolic Process, Feeding Behaviour, Monocarboxylic Acid Catabolic Process
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